Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise)


The genus Strelitzia is endemic to South Africa and consists of 5 main species viz.
reginae or “Crane” plant; nicolai or “Giant Bird of Paradise”; Caudata of “Mountain Strelitzia”; Juncea or “Desert Banana” and Alba or “White Boird of Paradise”. Collectively they are all know as simply the “Bird of Paradise” plant.
An interesting sub-species of reginae has been line bred over many years to reproduce the rare yellow form of the flower (which is normally orange).

Plant heights range from approximately 1.5 metres for species except nicolai which can exceed 10 metres. Plants are extremely hardy, drought tolerant and forgiving of poor soils but like most plants, respond to good feeding, adequate water and well drained soils.

These plants excel in Australian conditions.

Additional information

Plant Size

50mm, 140mm, 200mm, 250mm, 300mm, 400mm